Joint Venture
A new concept for development of fish feed business by
Raanan Fish Feed Ltd.
If you plan to enter to fish feed business, and/or to develop a fish feed production, and you are looking for a Partner that provide the nutrition knowledge and the technical know-how, we are your ideal address.
We have nutrition knowledge of 15 species from starter feeds to grower & finisher farmed in extensive earthen ponds, semi intensive ponds, RAS and cages, in sea, fresh and brackish water, cold and warm water.
We have the experience & technical know-how to design the most efficient fish feed plants. We are NOT selling machinery. We are selecting the right machinery for the desired fish feed production.
We can set the fish feed program for you and design your fish feed production plant, providing you the following package
Nutrition know-how and services:
Selecting of raw materials;
Full set of formulations;
setting product quality parameters;
Technical know-how and technical services:
definition of line details and capacity, including selection of machinery;
production line engineering service (flow diagram, Layout and functional description) excluding civil and construction engineering;
tendering management (including RFQ, tender documents, budget);
inspection during the machinery mounting;
setting procedures for maintenance and service;
Follow-up service:
optimization of formulations;
Training personnel in fish feed production;
Lab analyses through external labs;